Friday, December 11, 2015


I think we've all had at least one moment in our lives where we've wished that sadness did not exist. There's not much worse then feeling worse. Even as bad as our own sadness can be, sometimes watching others suffer can be even more terrible. It goes without saying that sadness is no fun.

Why must sadness exist? Why can't we be happy (or at the very least, content) all the time?

Happiness is the best, but why? When we are at our most happy, all seems right with the world. We smile. We laugh. Happiness is special, because we do not have it all the time. When we do, we celebrate it. We throw parties. We spend time with friends. We tell the world. All this, because happiness does not always exist for us. 

As unlikable as it may be, we need sadness for happiness. Each can exist only with the other. Even our saddest moments, the ones where we feel as if nothing we ever be good again, even these moments are important and necessary. You feel joy because something good has happened to you, not something bad. Emotions are built on contrast. 

I still wish that no one ever had to be sad ever. However, at the same time, I know that I need my sadness more than I want to admit, especially when I am sad. Whether happy or sad, we never want to admit the importance of the other. 

Right now I am sad. You may be sad too. When I'm sad, I often think a lot. I hope that this reflection has helped you to do some thinking too. I seriously doubt that this reflection will make your sadness go away, but hopefully it has given you something. 

Good luck.