It's crazy to think that we're only a few days away from the 2016 election. All of this buildup and we're finally here. Months of campaigning and debating are finally about to come to an end. I know that many, including myself, are looking forward to having election day behind us as things can finally "get back to normal." A wonderful thought isn't it? The idea that once November 8th is behind us, things can go right back to the way they were before all the fuss of this crazy election started. (So early 2015 then I guess?) I know that I for one am looking forward to the time when I'll be able to check Facebook and not see anything political for a bit. However, as we've gotten closer and closer to the big day, I've gradually started to realize something: There is no going back.
Allow me to explain my point. Back before the election began (and even in its early stages) I really didn't care too much about the political opinions of those around me. Some were Republicans, some were Democrats, but either way I generally didn't take too much issue with who they supported. Aside from a few issues that I really felt strongly for, I wouldn't take much interest in the political postings of my peers. Then the 2016 election started to heat up. As it became more and more clear that this was a very different election, and as the discussion involved in it became more and more volatile, I started to take note who said what and who supported who.
And here we are now, just on the edge of the grand finale. It's clear now that no matter what side of the election you're on, now is when the desperate moves are made. Now is when the true colors are on display. (If they weren't already.) This goes for both the candidates and their supporters. Despite all the craziness now, in a few days, it'll all be over right? Well, you don't need me to tell you that this is not a normal election. While I believe that it's nearly impossible to have a perfect candidate and that sacrifices will almost always have to be made while voting, this election has kicked things up to the max. No matter who you're voting for, you're more than likely making a sacrifice of something you believe in. So when November 8th has passed, do we forget those sacrifices? Can we forget those sacrifices?
This election has drastically altered the way I view the two main candidates. I went from having very undeveloped thoughts about them to very strong opinions on them. However, at the end of the day, my opinions on them haven't really altered my life too drastically. One thing that has been altered however, is how I view the voters in this election. Not the populous in general, but the people I know. The friends and family. While I've made my choice in this election, I've seen others make theirs as well, often quite vocally. In several cases, these choices have changed how I view these people. Despite spending a significant amount of time with some, I feel as if I'm just getting to know them for the first time. Where they draw the line, what they see as most important, and what they're willing to sacrifice. I find myself appalled by people I once thought I knew. This happens almost every day. At first I told myself that this would all go away after the election. I thought that once this was past, these appalling situations wouldn't be an issue. However as time has gone by, I've come to realization that things can not simply go back to normal. I'll remember the choices these people made when November 9th rolls around. I'll remember those choices on January 20th. I'll remember those choices long into the future. I don't think I'll able to view these people the same way again.
I've known that I wanted to write a blog post before the election for quite a while now. Most of that time, I wanted to write a post urging people not to vote for one particular candidate. However as election day drew closer and closer, I started to realize that it would be a waste. At this point, pretty much everyone has made their decision and nothing, NOTHING is going to change it. It would be a waste of my time. From that realization came this post.
I voted via absentee ballot the other day. While I'm not necessarily completely happy with who I voted for, I am confident that I made the right choice, a choice that hopefully hasn't changed the way people view me. Whatever your choice, be sure to get out there and vote.